Right to make a mistake

In life, we often encounter various kinds of prohibitions; sometimes we break them ourselves...accidentally, intentionally, but we do.

Lest my article seem provocative, and also a reason for you to break the ban - everything discussed here is intended solely for the manufacturer, not the consumer.

If you are a designer/developer of any product, you should realize that you can't do without the "right to make mistakes".

What's that?

Throw one piece of paper down the toilet - the toilet won't flood, enter an incorrect email in a mailing list service - you won't be blocked, and so on....

The right behavioral script will reduce the number of rejections.

Not all people follow prescribed behavioral strategies. Sometimes someone violates it accidentally. This is where the right to erroneous action saves you. You think about the course of things as if "in reserve", taking into account possible deviations from the course.

Now, when developing a product, I am faced with this myself: every move of the user must be thought through, every mistake in actions must not become fatal. People, though reasonable, make mistakes from time to time. Therefore, make sure that one mistake does not become the last one.

Friday, February 12, 2021

February 12, 2021

I prefer comments to expressing my thoughts through emails. If you would like to express your agreement/disagreement with this article, please write to me at nalimov@mail.com