I'm turning 21
Today I am turning 21. This is neither a reason for sadness, nor a reason for joy. This is an occasion to reflect on what I have already done and what is yet to come. I had many plans for life, big and small, but who could have said that the last year would turn the whole box of plans upside down?
In my 20s, I was able to achieve what many people achieve later. Some much later. I undoubtedly consider this a reason for pride. There is still no constancy in my life. Should it be in 21 years? I have been thinking about this topic for the past few months. Last summer, I thought how wonderful it is that I have a stable job, I rent an apartment in a good area of St. Petersburg, and I am surrounded by wonderful people. Slowly, the world around me began to change, and familiar things gradually disappeared. So, by the fall of 2022, I came to a new chapter in my life called "Free Swimming." Free because I am free to choose my destination. I will call it swimming because there will be strong waves and even storms on the way.
In this entire story, there is no master thought, it is rather an endless stream of thoughts that have accumulated since our last (meaningful) meeting. I already told you earlier that I became an Art Director in the fall. You are free to evaluate it as you see fit. At that moment, I was in doubt: am I the right person, will I be able to handle it? Six months have passed since then. Six months of accepting this fact, agreeing with it, and also looking for motivation to do more, create more.
Now in my head I keep the thought that I want to create something that best performs its task. I have developed a principle analogous to that of Mercedes-Benz - "The best or nothing." You can spin around the idea of copying and borrowing as much as you want. But true success lies in the exhaustive fulfillment of the purpose.
I can't say that this time my thought will last long. Thought is fleeting, and lately I have forgotten how to quickly grab it and translate it into text. But I began to contemplate the surrounding world more often. Travel teaches you to look at the world differently; to pass each frame through the prism of analysis and search for inspiration. Whether it's the silent mountain ranges of Montenegro, the noisy waves of the coast of Barcelona, or the bustling streams of people - you learn to look at it all differently. It is for the opportunity to master this ability that I love travel. I appreciated the moments spent in my small apartment on Moskovsky Prospekt, but now I have not only come to appreciate them, but also find something valuable in them.
I've said a lot about emotions, inspiration, and impressions. But I've saved the most important thing that the past year has given me for last: people, new acquaintances, new twists of fate...call it what you will. In general, the year has given me so many incredible people with whom I get a special pleasure, even if we just exchange greetings. And there were those who took the most important places in my life. And when you look back, you sometimes wonder how you managed to gather them all around you? To those who have appeared in my life over the past year and are now reading this article, know that I am infinitely happy that our acquaintance took place.
Dialogue, the exchange of thoughts and impressions, remains the most valuable source of inspiration for me. That is why I am always open to dialogue and discussion on various topics. Lately, I have been enjoying the experience of exchanging emails like a child. If you have any thoughts you would like to share with me, please send them to nalimov@post.com, and I will definitely respond to you.
What will actually be different about this age compared to a year ago? Will there be something completely new in life? Well, time will tell. Neither I nor anyone else can say where this extraordinary life will take me.
I prefer comments to expressing my thoughts through emails. If you would like to express your agreement/disagreement with this article, please write to me at nalimov@mail.com